Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just been long time...

This one's again the blast from the past... It was written a very long time ago.... Though its recurrences in today's life are many..... Few scenes from here and there are acting like a Dejavu`....


Flowers without fragrance ............ Stars without shimmer
Clouds without rain ................... Bruises without pain
Music without beats .............. Journey without retreat
Nights full of mist .................. Stories without gist
Candles without flame .............. Guilty without blame
Name without fame ............... Victory without game
A hope without mission .............. An aim without precision
A desire that can't be fulfilled .......... A dream that can't be lived
A smile full of tears ...... Confidence full of fears
A friend yet an acquaintance .... thought of understanding yet estrangement

Feeling of love ...... A bliss
Totally unrequited...... A Miss

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