Monday, June 29, 2009

Promises are meant to be broken

"Promise breaker shoe maker" ...... " Promises honored are a persons honor" etc etc... This is all we learnt as we grew up about how a persons credibility and their character is judged through their ability to keep their promises.

A promise is one's word that something will be done an assurance... It is a hope, a possibility of things materializing... It's a security... It is something sacred...

Though the whole concept has changed today, we use it in such callousness and not care about it. "Hey I promise I'll be there".... "I promise I will do it".... "I give you my word for it".... "I assure you things are all right".... mostly whenever these phrases are used they mean quite the opposite.. there definitely are no intentions of being kept.... and when they are made to a loved one and then broken well it bring a lot of wrath upon u..... So that does become a point of concern...

But sometimes things get slightly complicated.... A promise is made to you and with that assurance you start treading fields that were unknown to you.... you reach where you might never have, just because you have that assurance as a support.... and in time when that promise is broken... you do get disappointed, but your spirit doesn't falter and this time you move on..... few words that i had written resonate what i have said in these few last lines.....

Five Words
Five words
Just five mere words
Upon which a friendship stood.
Five words that meant
Meant more than anything.
Five words that said -
I won't let you break.
Words that gave me strength.
Five words which made me again
think high,
made me want to fly,
wanting to reach the sky
which had inscribed upon it
No limit ..... Soar on... Fly high
I dreamt of reaching for the stars
which shimmered and twinkled
so pure so bright....
I started trusting again,
waiting to see the rainbow
after the rain....
Started blossoming like a flower...
And forgot all my grief and pain,
and set objectives again..
started on a journey
to achieve them
for now i had you to push me
as my strength.
But then the dream got over...
Reality struck again
History repeats it self
This time it was you
who gave the pain....
This time i broke
but it wasn't all that bad
For you had made me learn
lessons of life.
You taught me, life goes on and on
though, between us it may be an end,
But you'll find a friend, just around the bend
With that thought inside me again
Rebuilt on the ashes on my pain.
I knew
Someone will come as my strength
Someone will come as a friend
Someone will just come and whisper
these five magic words again
I won't let you break
And just take away pain....

1 comment:

  1. I really really loved 5 words..It makes soo much sense..Its beautifully written! Great stuff! Looking fwd to reading some more... :)
