Monday, July 6, 2009

I did

This is an ode to someone I knew... someone I considered a friend....a close friend... I had met her few years ago....we were together for about 3-4 months and then she shifted away. We kept contact maybe not on a regular basis but we were there for each other... and one day we were chatting after a long time and things did not seem right. I told her I'd give her a call the next day.... I did plan to call her but got busy with my brother's wedding.... and when I finally wanted to contact her it was too friend had passed on.....

My friend's life had been quite a roller coaster.... When we had met then too her life was going through a lot of mess.... she was the introvert kinds....often giving an appearance of an arrogant person, though she was a polar opposite to that.... She was a reserved and a shy person.... She was a person of few words.... she was a magnet for mess....and somehow that became the reason for negligence on my part.... she did reach out to me...I just couldn't see the gravity of the situation...and now nothing is left...

I don't think what she did was right and justified in any way.... but all the same it does take a lot of shit to drive a person till there.... people who matter not being thereat that time... people who you can hold on too... people who care for you...She did reach out to few of us but....we just thought it's one of those times and gave importance to our life and our things more....I'm not sure if I could have been the one who would've made the difference...But then maybe I would've...

I really did care for you and you meant a lot.....But now....its all become dust.....

Burnt lives and burnt bodies
Everything eventually
Lives of dissatisfaction
Felling of incompetence
Atmosphere of obscurity
Total insecurity
Hope being stolen away
Belief and faith stifled away....
Inside you peak
a heart ablaze you see,
in desperation a scream...
Pain.... Anger... Isolation....Suffocation...
Eyes emotionless and silent
A walk to the table
Dagger... poison.... and a rope....
All 'doors' are open
When all 'ways' are closed to you.
Eyes roll up... a thought
Oh Lord, I thank thee
For all that you gave me...
A smile....and now finally peace.......
Burnt lives give away
to burnt bodies
Everything eventually


  1. measure ur steps as u walk, cos u may not get a chance to look back! do not regret, for you cannot change what happened. smile :)

  2. Well, a sobering thought, and probably you could have done better if you feel so, but I have felt it SO many times, that no matter how much you want, it is just not possible to be there for everyone all the time even though you genuinely care. Family, friends, circumstances, situations, common sense or its opposite, something or the other will cause some people to be left behind in life. It does not mean you dont care, it does not mean that you didnt want to, just that you couldnt. It makes one feel guilty, but maybe it was meant to be. I dont know.

    On a different note, DUST reminds me of the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. It is a fantasy series, a brilliant one at that wherein he subverts Paradise Lost by Milton, and there he talks extensively about Dust, which could have various interpretations. You should read those books if you havent. Really nice.
