Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ode to my love for books...

Life is a weird story
Few chapters already told
Few yet to become and hence untold
Each different chapter comprising of
Each different Genre...

Chapter 1 is the Children's Genre
Full of innocence, dreams
Fantasy Lands and Magic Worlds
Like those of Alice and Harry Potter
Trying to discover yourself
And having nothing to bother....

Chapter 2 is a jumbled one...
Variety enters Life
and it's fun....
It's a Romantic Genre
Where love is the religion
It's the quest to be united with your lover
A story of Oliver and Jenny
Where Love is not having to say sorry

Its the War Fiction
With you being Gabriel Allon
Whose waging War against terrorists and the kind
Only in your life there is a twist
Here Children are waging
A constant War against their parents
Arguments and Accusations
Fly around like Misile plains
It's always a draw
and no one Gains

It's the Detective fiction and a Spy Thriller
Where you are the evil, the criminal
And ironically you're also the Detective or Bond 007
Trying to cleans the Evil and the Bad within you
Hence becoming your own Savior, Your Hero.

It's the Science Fiction
Yet to be Written
On the inventions and innovations
In life yet to be done.

Life is a story of a
Confused Genre
And still
Your own
Unique Best Seller
Millions of copies are sold
To your Family, Friends, Relations
and so many others in the world
You get a Different Review
From each person you meet
The story of Life reaches its last chapter
Only when your life gets complete.

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