Sunday, March 13, 2011


There have been few things that have been happening around the world and when I see the way people respond to these it gets me all Mad and Irritable....

I mean they are completely absurd and arbitrary.... Yes, in few situations I might seem cynical but I still don't understand the purpose behind it......

A few days ago, A girl was murdered in broad daylight in Delhi. She was a student of Delhi University, though the happening did not take place anywhere near the north campus... Ofcourse, everyone was shocked with what happened.... I mean it happened in front of so many people...... No one even tried to stop the purpetrators..... No one helped the poor girl or rushed her to the hospital.... People just stood there as imbecils till the police arrived.... Your heart goes out when something so absurd happens...

But... Hey, Whats with making Facebook groups to show solidarity and your concern and your sympathy for the family.... I mean why create a whole facade and drama of the whole thing... I mean ya I remember the Jessica Lal case and I also saw "No one killed Jessica" and I understand the importance of how the criminals need to be put behind bars and in situations when it doesnt happen the public needs to raise their voice.....But, again that's different than the facebook groups..... it seems like a sham...

Well, things get worse when they are politicized..... The very next day after the incidence the youth political parties took the agenda and started blocking trafiic and creating chaos in the north campus..... Again...hello... Whats with the roudiness and how the hell is that going to help.... I mean it doesnt help catch the criminals and trust me I dont understand what way of showing solidarity and compassion is this???? If at all something happened.... it got people harrowed and irritable because they were stuck in traffic.... Got people on the public transport little scared, for there was a riot being created in the public transport by these youth politicians and of course lots of names were hurled in voice and in mind for the youth politicians by the public...our Aam Janta

Well in the same week another horrible incident happend...Japan was hit by a massive earthquake and a terrible Tsunami.... I'm still slightly confused about the nuclear damage... as in I know that two reactors have blown off but I dont know if they have created nuclear catastrophe or not.....

What I want to say is anyone under this planet who saw the damage and the aftermath of the natural disaster and how badly it has effected the country of Japan, I would be shocked if they weren't shaken... If they weren't effected and prayers didnt go out well they really dont deserve to be called human....
On the other hand what I didnt understand were the BBMs that were being forwarded.... I mean it wasnt one of those chain forwards for which mobile companies or other institutions collect money for every message forwarded for the cause... If that was the case trust me I would fwd it to everyone I knew ... But this was futile......
I get slightly cynic when someone fwds me such msgs to pray and all... Coz for me this is something that comes from the heart and otherwise I feel its all a charade....I know when I voiced my opinion upon this my family also found it ludicrous saying that "No, such messages only put the point across stronger, otherwise people get busy in their personal lives and forget"

But, then I thought.... Everybody does get busy and moves on... I'm sure people in Japan too have even though they kept feeling the after shocks and are said to feel them for another week...But I'm sure it wont stop them from living their life.... But like everyone else they too whenever they think of the horor will send out a silent prayer... Just like all of us who are sitting miles away.... We might get busy.... but even when this topic will come up even for conversation sake we will invariably call out a silent prayer.... That's human tendency ....

I dont know I feel unless voicing emotions helps in doing something positive... you should let it be... Sometimes Pain is personal......
again I know many people might not appreciate my cynicism but then I too have a different view and different perception.....

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